Pocket Book
Aveek Sen

By the secret and the intimate, I am not trying to hint at seductive innerwear. I am trying, instead, to think about things as banal as, say, the linings of pockets, collars, jackets and bags. This is where skin meets stuff in order to create for us the experience, rather than the appearance, of what we choose to wear. And this is not, or not just, about comfort and convenience, but about a quality that has nothing to do with how we want to be looked at by others. It is what makes us who we are, purely to ourselves, when we put something on, be it a shirt, a shawl or a perfume. For those who wear clothes as well as for those who make them, the invisible is what lies closest to the person, and hence to personhood.

Edited by Tom Melick
Photocopies by Simryn Gill
Typography by Ruud Ruttens
Printed by Geddes & Walter, Melbourne
September 2021

20 pp., 10 × 19 mm, softcover
$15.00 AUD

₹500 for orders within India